Quintin Venter - Success Story

Studied @ CTU Bloemfontein
Career: IT Technician

When I was in high school, I discovered a love for computers (fixing, programming as well as installing software on computers). Doing this for more than 5 years, CTU came to my school giving us a brief description on the courses they have, as well as the qualifications you can get (National Qualifications and International Certifications). Right there I knew that I wanted to become an IT System Support Engineer.

With all the subjects through the year and difficult exams, I still found the courage to do my best and give my all in every subject, for when you do what you love nothing will keep you from doing your best.

With graduation and the holiday around the corner the stress of finding work came. With a few applications filled in and a few experiences in different companies, I finally found a job that suits me. I have been working there for almost a year now and I’m still learning new things every day and doing my work to the best of my ability.

CTU Training Solutions

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