News about Red Hat and CTU

Employers - Your IT staff is your most valuable asset. Their knowledge and skills determine the success of your technologies, which translate into the success of your business. Without a well-trained IT staff, you sacrifice performance and security and your organization won't fully reap the price and performance benefits of your Red Hat environment.

Are you ready to get the highest quality Linux and JBoss education possible?

Attend this free event in Johannesburg or Pretoria to find out more about Red Hat and JBoss training and certification.  It’s time to up-skill and certify!

CTU Training Solutions: Focus Evening Event
Date: 17 July 2014
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: CTU Randburg

Date: 7 August 2014
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: CTU Pretoria

Contact: Colette Swanepoel (Red Hat Training Consultant) - 012 470 9500 |
Red Hat delivers a variety of hands-on certification programs. To provide even more value to people and organizations, Red Hat is updating the requirements and policies of the programs. Get your training and certification from leaders in the open source solutions and training services areas across South Africa. Watch the video.

Now Available - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Training and Exam! 
Red Hat's newest release represents a significant evolution of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®. Learn how to take advantage of these changes with hands-on training and certification from Red Hat. The following courses are now available via classroom, virtual classroom, and onsite team training. The certification exam is available via classroom or Individual Exam Session.

Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)

This course focuses on providing students with Linux administration "survival skills" by focusing on core administration tasks. System Admin I also provides a foundation for students wishing to become full time Linux system administrators by introducing key command line concepts and other enterprise level tools such as systems. It is part 1 of a two-part course pairing to provide students with the core system administration tasks needed to earn their RHCSA and to be a full time Linux administrator.

Red Hat System Administration II (RH134)

This course is specifically designed for students who have completed Red Hat System Administration I. It goes deeper into enterprise Linux administration including file systems and partitioning, LVM, SELinux, firewalls, and accessing storage with SMB and NFS. Together with Red Hat System Administration I, it can help prepare a candidate for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam.

RHCSA Rapid Track Course (RH199)

This course is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux administration. The course reviews the tasks covered in Red Hat System Administration I and II, but at an accelerated pace. On completion of course materials, students should be prepared to take the RHCSA exam.

Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200)

The performance-based RHCSA Exam (EX200) tests an IT professionals knowledge and skill in areas of system administration across a wide range of environments and deployment scenarios based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Click here for pricing and schedule.

CTU Training Solutions

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