CTU to attend Tech4Africa

CTU in partnership with Microsoft will bring you a workshop on the new Microsoft Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 technologies.  Book your early bird tickets today and meet with a CTU consultant to find out how training and certification on the latest Microsoft technologies could benefit you and your business!
Tech4Africa is about great content, relevance, and networking
For 2012 we've listened to delegate feedback and have changed the schedule to have speakers doing shorter and punchier talks, with an emphasis on bite-sized information that can be consumed and discussed with any platform. We've always said that Tech4Africa is about learning, so don't expect any snore fests!  Our speaker line-up for 2012 is taking shape, and I'm sure you'd agree we're congregating some of the best minds in mobile today. As such, here's a quick snapshot of what you can look forward to: Neal Ford (Thoughtworks), Daryn Smith (InMobi), Tom Rosemelia (IBM), Ralph Simon (Mobilium), Emma Kaye (Bozza), Verone Mankou (WayC), Mbwana Alliy (I/O Ventures), Christo Davel (22Seven), Josh Adler (UNDP), Mayan Mathen (DiData), Brett Loubser (BlazingChilli), Jon Hoehler (Deloitte), Toby Shapshak (Journalist).
Introducing the Tech4Africa Hackathon
One piece of feedback we've received consistently is to have a greater breadth of tech talks, with more depth, and by local speakers, so we're doing it! The #Hackathon is for technical people to present, listen, learn and, umm, hack stuff, with other folks that love doing the same thing. It's a super informal gathering of techies over the duration of the event, and we're really looking forward to it.
At the #Hackathon you can look forward to: Agile development workshops, pair programming, continuous integration, test-driven development, jQuery, RubyOnRails, Progressive UX, Node.js, Raspberry PI, Problem solving, Mobile Monetisation with InMobi, Assorted Scaling & Trickery Gotcha’s and Solutions, Social Media Marketing, Social Engagement with Native, PHP/Python/LAMP, Virtualisation for Haxors, EC2/Scala/Hadoop, Startup Fundraising Masterclass.
Hangout with Top Tech Hubs on the Continent at Tech4Africa
Tech4Africa will bring together a community of people from developers and social media marketers, to investors and press, students to corporates, technologists to tweeters.
While speakers and discussions will cover what is happening across the continent, in mobile, enterprise opportunities, social business and entrepreneurship, we also want to bring Africa into the conference hall. Want to know what the hottest app in Senegal is? What is the smartphone penetration in Liberia and what does that mean for brands coming into the market? How much can a developer make in Uganda? How are businesses in Egypt using social media?
Google will be facilitating a G+Hangout with key tech hubs from across Africa. Hear from the iHub, iLabLiberia, CairoHackspace, Bongohive, CTIC Dakar, Jokkolabs, Outbox and KINU. Brett St.Clair will moderate the panel, take your questions and navigate the continent’s technology landscape. Hook up with our G+ Community (at LINK), and start saving up your questions now.
Hook up with our G+ Community
Tech4Africa is just ten weeks away, registrations are open and tickets are selling, so please don't miss the Early Bird offer of ONLY R 1 200 FOR THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE EVENT!

Book Now

CTU Training Solutions

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