Success Story - Dirk Botma

“If you nurture your mind, like you water a seed, you can grow as powerful and successful as a giant tree”

Dirk Botma took the opportunity to nurture his mind. He enrolled at CTU Bloemfontein in 2007 and completed his studies in Database Administration. He enjoyed every moment of student life. This helped transform him into a much more secure and comfortable being.  But CTU also moulded him into a successful, professional engineer.

He is now part of the permanent staff of a successful company. Their business methodology is based on a collaborative approach and their skills base ranges from notebooks, desktops and servers, LANs and WANs, back office and front office, to security, hardware and software support.

Dirk is a Senior Support Engineer. He is currently busy with the ACER EUROPE contract, as well as with the Department of Justice and many other projects. The company couldn’t be more proud of their highly successful, hardworking Support Engineer. He really has shown that “Knowledge is your key to power and success”.

CTU Training Solutions

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