CTU Training Solutions joins Boys 2 Men project

CTU Training Solutions joined the Boys 2 Men project in conjunction with Moving Ahead Development Agency – MADA.  CTU Training Solutions collaborated with CompTIA SA to assist in the nurturing of future leaders in South Africa. 

The Boys 2 Men project aims to mentor and build career paths for 45 Grade 9 boys without fathers who are passionate about studying Engineering and Technology. The main objective is to encourage creative thinking, foster love of learning, teach them to have faith and find their purpose in life. There is a perception that boys raised without both parents don’t become responsible men who play a vital role in society.

The agenda for the introduction of the MADA project included an introduction and orientation at the SABC Auditorium on the 27th of June.  Followed by an introduction to Engineering and Higher Education at TUT (Tshwane University of Technology) on the 28th.  On the 29th students visited FlyFofa (who pride themselves in the ability to provide unparalleled, high quality aeromedical services) for an introduction to aviation.

On June 30th we had the pleasure of hosting these young students at the CTU learning experience centre in Sandton. We provided the students a fun and creative introduction to CompTIA IT Fundamentals. Yusuf Mia was the facilitator who provided the CompTIA IT Fundamentals training on the day that covered topics such as networking, hardware, software and security. CTU, in collaboration with Dr. Annette Martins from Edu-profile, provided facilities where the students could complete an online profile based on everything they have learnt during the past 5 days. These online assessments give the students information they need to understand and distinguish between their learned behavior and the strengths and talents that they were born with.

16-year-old, Senzo Motha from Carolina, Mpumulanga said in an interview, “this is the greatest thing in my life”. We also spoke to Simon Hasjenda from the Platfontein Village in the Northern Cape approximately 15km from Kimberley. He said that the MADA project is a great initiative. "If you are a boy without a father, it’s very difficult looking up at other parents, helping us achieve. It’s very important to learn and become a father figure." "Don’t look back, look forward," he said. He continued, “don’t look down on yourself, don’t think that if you don’t have a father you a nobody, you are a somebody. I’ve never been in IT; I didn’t even know about the computer”.

Shortly after, students got back on the bus and drove down to Zoo Lake Sports Club to take part in the Boys 2 Men Football Challenge, where CTU Auckland Park’s SRC and other students participated.
This was a very inspiring opportunity for CTU and we look forward to our continued involvement in this project.

Moving Ahead Development Agency (MADA) is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to contribute towards the skills, career, social, early childhood and enterprise development of disadvantaged communities in the country. They are also registered with the Department of Social Services.

CTU Training Solutions (PTY) Ltd, established in 1987, is a private tertiary education provider that specializes in career (full time and part time training courses) and corporate solutions. CTU offers a variety of up-to-date design, business and IT training solutions with national qualifications (full time studies only) and vendor-specific international certifications which develop skills and prepares the graduates for a future filled with exciting opportunities at its 15 campuses nationwide.

CTU Training Solutions

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